Also known as halitosis, bad breath is often the result of poor oral hygiene and can cause patients to feel embarrassed and self-conscious. Persistent bad breath can also be an early indication of underlying issues, which is why we take it so seriously here at Square Mile Dental Centre.

Bad Breath
About this Condition
Bad breath is most often caused by dental plaque. This is the slightly sticky film that attaches to the teeth and is made up of food debris and bacteria. It can easily be kept at bay with proper oral hygiene, including regular tooth brushing and visits to the dental hygienist who is able to remove any build-up of plaque that might be present. When left untreated and allowed to build up, plaque can lead to gum disease, causing the gums to become inflamed and irritated, and even to bleed. If the condition occurs long-term, it can even lead to tooth loss.
This build up of plaque can result in bad breath due to a discharge of sulphur from the bacteria that is left behind in the areas of the mouth that are hard to reach and clean. In some cases, bad breath can also be caused by throat infections, impacted wisdom teeth, a poor diet or dry mouth. If you’re concerned about bad breath, our team will be able to determine what is the cause, whether there are any underlying issues, and offer advice on how best to treat it. This could include:
- Twice daily tooth brushing for two minutes
- Switching to an electric toothbrush
- Brushing the tongue as well as the teeth
- Flossing regularly
- Using an interdental toothbrush
- Visiting the dental hygienist for annual or bi-annual appointments
- Drinking plenty of water throughout the day
- Cutting down on certain food and drink such as caffeine, alcohol, and fizzy drinks
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